Calvary Baptist Church is a church of families raising missionaries for Christ, serving our local community, and communities around the world.
As we continue to be obedient to the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to go into all the world and preach the Good News, we believe a major part of this is to support missionaries financially and through prayer.
Missions 2024

The following are missionaries Calvary supports around the world:
Miguel Alou: Miguel is with World Team serving in the Dominican Republic with baseball chapels.
Albert & Janet Ehman: Even though they are retired from World Team, Albert and Janet are still actively doing ministry all over the world. Albert continues to coach missionaries and church leaders via the internet and travels to conferences.
Leon & Lorraine Dillinger: The Dillinger’s are retired from Crossworld. Each Jan-Mar, they spend in Indonesia teaching and encouraging church leaders. When at home, Leon continues to translate Bible passages for the different dialects in Indonesia. During the summer, they travel to supporting churches to teach and preach and share about the work in Indonesia.
Joe & Tamera Hill : They are with Pioneers Missions. They have recently moved into a new home which is next door to their son’s home. Joe is mentoring and discipling men to continue the work that they started in Brazil and Mexico.
Sam & Bonnie Thomas: They serve with African Inland Missions (AIM). Sam is a mobilizer while Bonnie does administrative work. They recruit candidates for going on the mission and hold training classes for missionaries who are headed to the field.
Steve & Sharon Entwistle: They are with AIM serving in Kenya at the Rift Valley Academy (RVA) in Kenya. They help in various positions at the school. Steve oversees AIM missionaries working in northern Mozambique. They will be on home assignment in the USA starting in July for one year.
Mike & Nancy Elwood: They currently live in Cummings GA. Mike works with Greater Europe Missions (GEM) writing training materials & Bible studies, while Nancy is with SHARE Education Services, an organization that assists missionary families in the education of their children.
Mike & Beth Chaplinsky: Mike heads up Suncoast Youth for Christ here in our area. They reach out to teens in area middle and high schools and also have outreach in a shelter and detention center to youth living there.
Gary & Dotsie Corwin: They recently retired from Serving in Missions (SIM). They continue to serve as mentor and counselors. Gary continues to write papers and they attend conferences to support missionaries.
George & Ruth King: They are serving in Japan with Baptist Bible Fellowship (BBF). George teaches and mentors church leaders. Ruth teaches in a Bible school and works with women and children. They are a part of a local Japanese church where George actively teaches and preaches.
Paul & Carol Thompson: They are with World Team serving in the Dominican Republic. Paul teaches and preaches in the DR. He makes trips over to Cuba where he teaches and mentors young men who want to be Jesus Followers! They are hoping to start house churches all over the island of Cuba!
CEF of Manasota: This is a ministry sharing the Good News to the children of these 2 counties, Manatee and Sarasota. They hold Good News clubs in many public elementary schools throughout Manatee & Sarasota counties.
Paul & Sandy Shattuck: They are retired from World Team. They continue to minister to the Hispanic community throughout Latin America. They encourage, train, & disciple church leaders.
Bill & Priscilla Stothers: They are with World Team serving in the Dominican Republic. Bill works baseball chapels while Priscilla, a nurse, works in home health especially with new or soon to be moms and their babies.
Tom Schoen: Tom leads the development of a radio ministry to the indigenous people of Suriname as the on-the-ground liaison between the Suriname government and the Wajana and Trio elders for licensing and subsequent implementation. Along with TWR, Tom will work with a Suriname team to build two radio transmission stations and train the indigenous people to maintain and operate them.
Life in Messiah is an organization that ministers to the Jewish people group all over the world. They evangelize, disciple and equip believers with priority to the Jewish people.
Bee the Change!

Each month we collect spare change to give to local missions and ministry organizations.
For July, Bee the Change, will be donated to F.E.L.T, Feeding Empty Little Tummies. F.E.L.T’s mission is to pack and deliver meals for food deprived children in our community. In addition, we will also be collecting canned foods and Non-perishables. Collection bucket is in the foyer.
Click the link below for more details on F.E.L.T.: